This week I don't have any super awesome fitness tips, nutrition advice, or 10 reasons why you should get more sleep (TURN THE TV OFF), but I am very excited for this special announcement! Starting November 1, Mauka Makai Fitness will gain a whole new perspective. Yes, I am able to put together a great strength program, or give you recommendations on how to eat better; but there is one perspective that I can't relate, and that is being a mom. And not only being a mom, but being a mom that is motivated to stay fit, healthy, and have fun, even with a new baby and busy lifestyle! I would like to introduce you to Mara Prosolow. I met Mara at the Xterra Freedomfest race and ever since then she has impressed me with her constant thirst to improve, learn, and better herself. Mara will be joining Mauka Makai Fitness to bring in that female perspective. Each week, she will put out an article that answer's various questions from mom's, sisters, aunts, nieces, and grandma's. To get to know Mara a little better, I asked her a few questions. Check out her responses below and keep your eye out next week for her first article. I caught a glimpse and it's a good one! Mara, what made you get into health/fitness? This is an easy question for me, I wasn’t happy with how I looked after having a baby. I have always been into something crazy such as rock climbing, hiking, slack lining, but when we moved and I had my baby, I wasn’t me anymore, and I missed me. I wanted to be happy, and I knew I wouldn’t be happy with my life until I was happy with myself. How do you fit in healthy eating and exercise on a busy schedule with a baby? I am really lucky to have a great support system of fellow parents who want to be fit as well. I am part of a running club called Stroller Warriors. We meet 3x a week to run. I also have great friends that will let me tag along on their adventures. I am not going say it’s EASY to be active, but having a baby is not an excuse, if anything it’s motivation. I wake up before my daughter gets up so I can workout in my garage. On running days, I wake her up put her in the stroller and off we go. She loves it! I ask her if she wants to go running and she runs to the stroller. She is my biggest cheerleader, if I’m not running fast enough she’ll let me know! Lilith is 1.5 years old and loves get her workout in too! Remember they are always watching, so instead of teaching them to be lazy and to make excuses, teach your kid(s) to have fun and be active. Eating healthy has been a challenge for me. My husband is not a fan of eating healthy foods which makes temptation hard to say no to. Always being on the go or having a kid that needs something or wants to “help” you cook is also something I had to overcome. My answer to this is meal prep. Yes, I hate to do it, but it’s the only way I eat “better”. I don’t meal prep all week, but I’ll make about 6 meals at a time during nap time or bedtime. I also eat throughout the day. I usually don’t have time to sit down and enjoy a meal, so having something ready that I can grab a few bites of at a time really helps. What is one of your biggest accomplishments when it comes to health/fitness? This is a trick question!! I have multiple answers, from conquering a Spartan Trifecta in two days, to running an ultra-marathon, to being a healthier and happier me! The most important one is that I feel better, which allows me to be a better mom, wife and person. I will say though, when I got the last medal for the Spartan race I felt like a total bad ass, I was so happy and proud of what I had done. When I finished the Triple Trek (30 mile trial run with over 7,000ft of elevation gain) I was emotional! That was the longest distance I had accomplished, I did it by myself, I had up and downs in that race and it made be dig to see what I was really made of, that race was for me! Now, I am ready for my next challenges!!! Thanks Mara! So happy to have you as part of the MMF team!