Mele kalikimaka everyone! I want to wish you a Merry Christmas, I hope all of you have a very special holiday.
It was a great 2019 for me, and I hope it was for you as well. They say it's not what you eat, or what your exercise routine is between Christmas and New Years, but what it is between New Years and Christmas. So get out there and celebrate this week. Have some pie and eggnog and all the delicious food that comes out during this time.
Make sure to spend time with friends and family, and those people that surround you with love and support. That's one of the big keys to being happy.
Your health is important, wealth is important, but those family and the relationships you have are key to your happiness. So definitely take some extra time to give a hug to your loved ones and those people that you care about.
Also use this time to reflect back on 2019. What were some of the highlights? What were some of the low points, and how do you want perform better in 2020?
Let's get you going in the right direction! Hopefully Santa brings you some ice baths instead of coal.
I have lots of exciting plans for 2020 so stay tuned! And if you already have goals in mind and you’re ready to get going, straight out of the gate for 2020, then let's get started.
I hope you all have a Mele kalikimaka and a Merry Christmas!