Hi, I'm Jono
Over the years, I've realized one thing, mankind has become too comfortable. We live in perfect temperature homes, we have escalators/elevators that take us everywhere, and we have every food imaginable at our fingertips.
But by doing difficult things you can build mental strength to overcome life's challenges. Yes, I want to help you build strength and endurance, but more importantly I want to help you regain confidence, so you can better handle the difficulties of your everyday life and have the ability to live experiences you never imagined. I want to help you strengthen the mind and body, control your emotions, and perform at your best.

PC: Katharine Kollman
Creating a well-balanced life is about looking at all aspects that includes exercise, nutrition, stress, sleep, and recovery. So it's crucial to understand how all these variables affect your daily life and examine how to improve them.
While weight-loss may occur during your training, if this is your main goal, I am not the coach for you. Sorry, just telling the truth. There are lots of great weight loss coaches out there. My main goal is to help you train for something you never thought imaginable. And that may be something as small as running your first 5k, up to climbing Mt.Kilamanjaro. I've helped clients complete their first Spartan obstacle course race, climb Denali, paddle across the Molokai channel and more.
If you dream it, then you can achieve it!
Do you have what it takes to conquer the rigors and demands of SPARTAN RACE HAWAII?
Get fit and ready and sign up for our 12-week or 6-week training!
Breath Strength Mind Workshop
Join this 1-day workshop where Coach Jono will teach you how to use your breath to improve performance; overcome fear/anxiety; practice in-pool training exercises; and finish with an invigorating ice bath. Stay tuned for the next workshop!